Why Multivitamin Benefits Are a Necessity: Here Are 8 Reasons

For your body to properly function, you need 16 minerals and 13 vitamins. When your diet falls short, it puts you at risk for developing diseases and taking time off of your life. Taking supplements helps to ensure that you meet your nutritional needs. Multivitamin benefits improve everything from your appearance to overall wellness. Whether you want an everyday vitamin to help reach your re...

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10 Tricks to Stop Coughing

We all know just how irritating an incessant cough can be.  During the day, a bad cough can make it a challenge to stay focused on the tasks ahead. On top of this, you find yourself stressing about the fact that you might be irritating or spreading your sickness. Come nighttime, a bad cough can drain your energy and prevent you from sleeping altogether.  If you're battling a fierce cough, ...

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New Year, Newborn: 5 Tips For Pregnant Mothers

If you're expecting a new baby, there are so many things to learn and navigate through this exciting time in your life. All pregnant mothers go through a range of emotions and have tons of questions about what's best for themselves and their new little one. Read on to discover five important tips for pregnant mothers that will help make your journey easier. 1. Pregnant Mothers Should Take P...

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Is the Flu Contagious? Here’s What You Should Know!

Did you know that between 5% and 20% of American citizens get the flu each year? This disease can cause millions of outpatient visits each year and it might even result in death, if not properly treated on time. Many people also ask questions such as "is the flu contagious?”. Well, the short answer is yes. Flu can spread from person to person with great rapidity and it might infect other pers...

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How to Take Better Care of Your Eyes: The Best Eye Care Tips

75% of adults in the world need some sort of vision correction product. Whether you fall into that large category or have 20/20 vision, we all need to take good care of our eyes. We only get one set in a lifetime, after all. While there are some diseases and conditions that are genetic and inevitable, you can still take precautions to minimize the symptoms as much as you can. In this arti...

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7 Amazing Tips on How to Keep Your Digestive System Healthy

The more scientists study it, the more we realize how important it is to keep a healthy gut. Your digestive system not only plays a huge role in your ability to get nutrients from food but also the health of many other systems in your body (we'll look at how exactly in a second). If you're wondering how to keep your digestive system healthy, there's a lot of information out there. Some of it's...

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10 Simple Tips on How to Slim Down and Lose Weight Fast

Did you know that our body image has an impact on life satisfaction? If you want to make a change, we can help. Are you looking for techniques on how to slim down? Not to worry! In this guide, we’ll go over simple diet tips that will make a difference. Want to learn more? Keep reading to find out. 1. Record Your Meals There are apps available that will help you track what you eat every day...

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What Does Arthritis Pain Feel Like and How Do I Know I Have Arthritis?

Over 100 forms of arthritis affect 54 million people in the US each year. How do you know if your sore joints are due to this disease - or something else entirely? Arthritis is caused by several factors, ranging from genetics to getting older. You can't catch it like a cold - but some things will make you more susceptible to it. The signs of arthritis range from minor regular pain to sud...

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Healthy Diet, Healthy Vagina: How to Prevent BV with the Right Foods

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is an uncomfortable condition caused by an overgrowth of the bacteria that naturally occur in the vagina. Many factors contribute to vaginal health and maintaining a healthy pH level that doesn't foster the growth of bad bacteria. Most women don't know how to prevent BV. This can create unhealthy problems for women that may make it difficult to diagnose or even tre...

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Beating Jet Lag: 7 Tips to Cope with the Sleepiness

You’ve just stepped off of a 7-hour flight and you’re absolutely tuckered out. Though you’ve got all types of things to do, you’re so tired that you’re considering just laying down in your hotel room and falling asleep. Now, you’re wondering: "what could I have done to prevent this sleepy feeling?" Truthfully, there were a number of options at your disposal, many of which we're goin...

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