Are you looking into pharmacy alternatives for your medication?
Many New Zealanders are on medication. This requires them to take regular trips to their local pharmacy and stand in long queues. Often, this becomes a frustrating procedure, and many have to work it into their already-busy day.
As the internet has risen in popularity, though, so has the age of convenient deliveries. Now, New Zealand offers a variety of online pharmacies. Users order their drugs via the internet and have them sent in the mail, right to their door.
But what are the benefits of using an online pharmacy in New Zealand?
Keep reading to learn 5 smart reasons you should buy from Kiwi Drug!
Often, when you purchase your medications in person, you either need to add it to your shopping list and wait for a convenient time to go to the store or carve out an hour or so to go get it.
For many people, this can be a cumbersome procedure, especially if they already live lives full of business meetings and dropping kids off at school.
Still, you shouldn’t have to go without your medication simply because it’s difficult to fit a trip to the pharmacy into your schedule. Instead, you should consider ordering from an online source, such as Kiwi Drug.
When you order from us, we’ll ship your medication straight to your door. That means you can purchase your drugs at your own convenience and have them by the time you need more!
Here at Kiwi Drug, we believe that every New Zealand resident should have the right to high-quality medical treatments, no matter where they live.
Yet, some people reside far away from city centers. This also means they live at a considerable distance from most pharmacies. In fact, some people even have to drive for an hour or more to get to their nearest location.
Online pharmacies, on the other hand, go to many more locations in New Zealand. This increases accessibility to necessary medication and provides an essential service to the community.
So, when you buy from Kiwi Drug, you can rest assured that you are supporting a company that benefits many of your fellow New Zealanders.
Do you find yourself in need of extra funds?
If so, you probably don’t want to spend a lot of money on medication, prescription or otherwise. When looking for savings opportunities, your choice of pharmacy is one of the most crucial features.
Online pharmacies help you save money in multiple ways. First, many of the standard prescription medicines come at no cost, and the shipping is only $15. Second online pharmacies often offer sales on other over-the-counter medications, bringing your overall cost down.
As a result, if you’re money conscious, online pharmacies are the way to get your medication!
Do you often go to an in-person pharmacy and find their offerings less than satisfactory?
Most in-person pharmacies offer a limited number of drugs and medications. You might not be able to find exactly what you’re looking for at one. If you’re really unlucky, you might have to travel to several pharmacies before finding the medication you need.
When you buy online, it’s much easier. Many online pharmacies stock a wide variety of medications and have them available to ship as quickly as possible. Here at Kiwi Drug, for instance, we are dedicated to stocking products for a wide variety of people. We offer everything from acne treatments to digestive settlements and sexual health materials.
And you don’t even have to hunt down any of your regular over-the-counter drugs. You can find name brands and their alternatives all on our website.
Have you ever carved out time to go to a New Zealand pharmacy for a prescription only to discover the rest of your town seems to have chosen the same date and time?
Because cities usually only have a handful of pharmacies serving thousands of people, it’s not uncommon for them to become crowded. This means that wait times can vary greatly. If you work a traditional full-time job or have responsibilities that prevent you from going to the pharmacy at its less busy hours, you might find yourself waiting quite a long time.
This can be quite a tedious undertaking, especially when you have other places to be and things that need your attention.
But what if you never needed to do that again? What if you could skip the long lines forever and just get your prescription delivered right to your house?
If that sounds ideal, then ordering from an online pharmacy is for you!
So, what do you need to do to take advantage of an online pharmacy in New Zealand?
With Kiwi Drug, all you need to do is place your order if you want over-the-counter medications!
If you need a prescription drug refill, you should use our online doctor service. You must provide a valid New Zealand prescription that has been approved by your primary care physician.
Our licensed doctor will then review your medical history and prescribe you your proper medication.
It’s important to note that our online doctor service does not extend to diagnosis. While we seek to serve patients in as many ways as possible, we believe it’s best for people to see their regular physicians for proper diagnosis and treatment suggestions. In order to initiate prescription services with us, then, you need to have an official diagnosis and prescription from your doctor.
If you’re ready to use an online pharmacy in New Zealand, you’ve come to the right place.
Online pharmacies provide excellent and necessary services. They increase convenience, give more people access to medication, save them money, cover a wide variety of conditions, and help people avoid long waits.
Ready to get started? View our product page today!